Manufacturing site

Assut Europe is an italian company founded in 1991 in Magliano dei Marsi (AQ).

We are proud to offer our customers a wide and complete range of products, surgical sutures, absorbable haemostats, meshes (biological and synthetic), laparoscopic devices and orthopaedic fixators covering all surgical specialities.


Regulatory Office

4 Employees

Legal Office

2 Employees

Quality Control

5 Employees


5 Employees


2 Employees


More than 100



10.000m² area

Supply chain guaranteed, well stocked warehouse, reliable and active testimonials, inhouse control, certificates, accurate forecasting

720m² white rooms

Qualified technicians inspection in automated production phases, single beam die-cutter for pericardium, processing under laminar flow hoods

In-house Quality Control and R&D

Leakage and residual moisture testing, perforation test, thickness gauge, distortion temperature test and Ph meter, tensile test, laser cutting for initial testing

become apartner

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